Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze
  • Kdekoli

The Dean of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology announces a selection procedure for the position of:

Postdoctoral Scientist – lnsect Macroecology, at the Forest lnvasion Synthesis Centre, Prague (FISC)

Job Description:

The Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU) is one of the leading universities in Centra! Europe, specializing in life sciences, environmental studies, and sustainable development. With over 18,000 students and a strong international community, CZU is a dynamic and modem institution committed to excellence in research, innovation, and education. CZU consistently ranks among the top universities in sustainability and environmental impact, as recognized in global university rankings. CZU is hosting a new socio-ecological synthesis centre aimed at advancing the scientific understanding of the ecology and management of biological invasions in forests. The Forest lnvasion Synthesis Centre, Prague (FISC, https://forestinvasion.cz/en) is funded under the ERA Chairs Call of the Horizon Europe Programme, the EU’s primary funding program for research and innovation. The synthesis centre hosts collaborative interdisciplinary working groups from outside institutions, along with a team of new postdocs, to explore the many facets of biological invasions by plants, insects, and tree pathogens in forests worldwide. The activities of FISC are conducted in collaboration with prestigious research and innovation institutions including the Czech Academy of Sciences Institute of Botany.FISC uses the „synthesis centre“ model that has been successfully applied in various other socio-ecological synthesis centres around the world. The anticipated scope of Centre research ranges from topics such as the macroecology of fo rest insect invasions, the physiological ecology of plant invasiveness, mutualisms among invading organisms in forests, risks and benefits of non-native trees in forestry, social perceptions of non-native species in forests, economic optimization of forest biosecurity, and the global impacts of invasions on global forest ecosystem processes. We encourage applications from candidates of all backgrounds, including underrepresented groups, and do not discriminate based on gender identity, nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, or any other aspect of diversity.

Position Description

The individua! will serve as a postdoctoral researcher at FISC and will conduct research on the macroecology of insect invasions. This work will involve the analysis of data on historical insect invasions worldwide as well as data on insect-host relationships and geographical distributions. They will use these data to test hypotheses about underlying drivers of biodiversity and ecosystem structure at global scales. They will collaborate with interdisciplinary teams of scientists in FISC working groups. ln doing so, they will work closely with international groups of researchers and innovators from varying backgrounds and expertise. Their work will involve organizing working group collaborations, searching out data sources, conducting statistical analyses and writing research papers. The Postdoc furthermore co-organises shared cloud-based systems shared among working group members. FISC is lead by Dr. Andrew Liebhold (https:/ /forestinvasion.cz/en/r-20696-team). The postdoc will work dosely with prof. Petr Pyšek at the Czech Academy of Sciences Institute of Botany (https:/ /www.ibot.cas.cz/personal/pysek/).

Position Qualifications:

• Completed PhD
• Research experience with arthropod ecology or biogeography
• Knowledge and experience with applied statistics and statistical software
• Significant publication record including multiple papers published in major journals (e.g., excluding those published by MDPI, Hindawi, and Frontiers).
• Good communication skills in the English language
• Ability to work in a team

Other Desirable Qualifications:

• Previous experience working with insect invasions in forests
• Knowledge of spatial analysis tools
• Experience working with large databases

Application lnstructions:

Applications should consist of following pdf files:

1.Motivation letter describing applicants research interests and experience (file naming convention: Surname_lnsect Macroecology_Letter.pdf)

2.Curriculum Vitae (file naming convention: Surname_lnsect Macroecology _ CV. pdf)

3.List of two individuals who may be contacted regarding letters of sup port (file naming convention: Surname_lnsect Macroecology_Support.pdf)

4.Copy of the PhD diplom a (file naming convention: Surname_lnsect Macroecology_PhD diploma.pdf)

Applications need to be sent to fisc.recruitment@fld.czu.cz by no later than 2nd of May 2025. Applicants will be notified once their applications have been accepted for evaluation.

We Offer:

• A position at a university with the HR Excellence in Research Award, ensuring fair recruitment, clear career progression, and strong institutional support for researchers.
• Opportunities for professional growth, including access to international research networks, interdisciplinary collaborations, and career development programs.

• Support for international researchers, including assistance with visa applications, work permits, and relocation via the CZU Welcome Centre.
• Employee benefits (e.g. allowance for meals, supplementary pension insurance, vacation and others).
• 5 weeks vacation plus 5 days of bonus leave

We offer a two-year contract with the possibility of extension. The gross (brutto) salary ranges from EUR 3,000-5,000 corresponding to an approximate net salary of EUR 2,200-3,700 depending upon qualification.
The cost of living in Prague is generally lower than many other European locations (see https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of­living/in/Prague). CZU is able to provide assistance with applications for visa and work permit as needed. This and other services for foreign scholars is available from the CZU Welcome Centre (https://www .czu.cz/ en/r-9190-international-relations/r-18688-welcome-centre-for-internation al-scholars).

Recruitment and Selection
A two-stage review process will be conducted. ln the first stage, the Recruitment Committee will assess the submitted materials. Applicants who are not selected to proceed will receive notification­with reasons for their dismissal-no later than 23rd of May 2025. The second stage will consist of an online interview with the Recruitment Committee. lnvitations for this stage will be sent no later than 23rd of May 2025. The successful candidate will then be invited to negotiate a contract. Employment may begin on ist of June 2025or at another mutually agreed date.
Applicants will be informed about any changes in this schedule by email.

ln the relation with the processing, collection, handling and protection of all persona! data provided, CZU follows the Directive SR/09/18 (28.5.2018).
By submission of an application the candidate agrees with the processing of persona! data.

1,0 (full-time). 1st of June 2025 or at another mutually agreed date.

Chcete-li požádat o tuto práci napište podrobnosti na recruitment@rektorat.czu.cz